Author name: 4-Serv Team

Data Recovery a necessity in Digital Transformation Process

Data Recovery a necessity in Digital Transformation Process

The data recovery industry was driven originally by natural disasters and power outages. These disasters made it impossible for businesses to access their IT systems. Mishaps prevented staff members from working on-site and blocked users from gaining access to computers and other systems. Today’s businesses can deal with emergencies easily by utilizing methods, technologies, and […]

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How Digital Health Empower Changes for Investors

How Digital Health Empower Changes for Investors

Healthcare providers can effectively connect with patients using digital technology. This paradigm shift has further accelerated consumer adoption of digital channels and shaped a new normal by reshaping the sector with virtual activities previously unimaginable. The goal is to deploy contactless technologies and remotely monitor patients. The healthcare delivery system will therefore undergo a great

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How to get successful cloud transition with zero business impact

How to get successful cloud transition with zero business impact

Cloud transitions, such as moving data and crucial business procedures to GCP,  AZURE and  AWS, are gaining fame, recognition and apt spotlight. Proper planning is the key for any business to get success without having disturbed their business procedures. Cloud transition? What on earth is that? How do you do that? These must be the

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How to Reassess Digital Transformation Strategy

How to Reassess Digital Transformation Strategy

Around 70% of industrial firms in the United States and Europe have implemented a digital transformation (DX) strategy (according to the IDC research). The effectiveness and scope of these methods vary greatly. Some firms (but not nearly enough) recognize that DX must consider overall perspectives. Beyond the factory walls, transformation should help the brand grow,

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Magento 2 Development

Why Brands Prefer Magento 2 Development for E-commerce in 2021

To enhance potential buyers while remaining competitive most businesses have moved to eCommerce selling. Not just the startups but many reputed organizations and brands have all started to invest in online selling by using an impactful CMS. As a software tool, the CMS can do anything from accepting payments, do checkouts, organize catalogs, keep track

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How Data is important in digital transformation

How Data is important in digital transformation

Today’s businesses have changed completely into a competitive affair. The data has become a core form of any reinvention of an operation. All those companies that have not upgraded in dealing with their data, could have to watch their disruption from a sideline. Because all the organizations are propelling into new technologies, processes and science

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How technology advancements help in digital transformation for global industries

How technology advancements help in digital transformation for global industries

Organizations that triumphantly executed digital transformation have seen faster growth in their industries in comparison to their competitors. Surely, this process varies for each domain, business, industry, organization and their relative peculiarities. The right solutions are always achieved depending on the behaviour of a customer, preferences, analysis and different business logics of a company. The

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Not so long ago experts were proclaiming that the mobile is going to be the future. And, guess what? They were not wrong. Some of the extraordinarily successful applications and businesses are mobile-based. Just think of the names like Instagram, Uber, Swiggy. Didn’t they transform the thoughts of a human into exceptionally well-crafted businesses and apps? Yes! They did. And for all those successfully running transformations there has been a secret that we need to know. That is, how they bridged all those gaps between a human and a machine and made a remarkable equation. How did they master it? Rapid Changes need adaptability With evolving technology, humans started to find a solution to every problem they encountered and started converting that as key thought of a business. Now, devices and machines are understanding from a deeper level than that of a human. Just think about all the technologies used in health care? How we have transformed from checking pulse with a finger on the wrist to having an oximeter for accuracy? There was take-away of food while we were kids and now food to your doorstep with a click. From buying a ticket at the station to booking it on the app. With changing needs and adapting new trends there has been a good equation we need to learn between a human and a machine. How do machines learn? Artificial Intelligence and machine learning happen basically in four types. This is exactly how the data is processed, observed, corrected and output is obtained. The key techniques in which the ML or AI leveraged to learn are as follows • Active Learning: Generally the models incorporated in machine learning are to guess the solution, check if it correct and go ahead to solve a similar problem. Active learning is a similar kind of work that AI and ML do. They take prioritized mathematical techniques from the subject matter expert and follow them to derive results. This method improves a positive collaboration between a human and a machine. • Transfer Learning: In this technique, the neutral network is well trained to solve a particular type of problem. Then the knowledge acquired in solving that problem is now transferred to apply for another different model but a similar kind of issue. For example, a problem solved in recognizing a car is relatively transferred for similar issues related to identifying a truck • Reinforcement Learning: This technique is used as a trial and error method. Where the successful methods are rewarded as right moves and the error methods are considered to recheck the process. This is mostly done by AI agent and is taught successful strategies. Through the process, the AI understands how well it can make the right choice to avoid consequences without any explicit instructions from the programmer. • Meta-Learning: This technique is a subfield of machine learning. It is programmed with certain types of algorithms that can teach a machine how to absorb the data. Simply how to learn what to learn. This helps the machine to upgrade in the form of skills and environments without the necessity of loading huge datasets. How should a human learn? This question might surely sound surprising. But, to have a great equation with a machine, humans need to upgrade on few things and learn a few. • Team game: Forming a potential team that is skilful in upcoming trends helps to work as a better team with those having skills in the current trends. This collaboration can bring out results that are meeting the current needs of a business and are also braced to encounter the new demands. • Discover: There is never s straight line to great innovations. Sometimes the non-linear process of going two steps back can bring out great ideas that can create wonders. • Test: Learning is always a process that goes on forever. It becomes successful only when tested and then identified as the right way. So a successful project gives a lot of skill enough to embrace another one. • Fail: The most common of all. It helps in a way better than a successful project. It gives clear guidance on what not to do. And, when it happens, stand again to start again. • Lead: Ensure everyone on the team is coached and trained to take over the project at any given time and circumstance. Throughout the process of a project, situations keep on changing and one needs to be well informed to face anything. • Unlearn and upskill: Every time a new problem arrives, the same process that succeeded in the previous issue might be completely irrelevant to this one. So be open to unlearn outdated processes and upskill to the emerging solutions. Conclusion From observing new technologies and how they are transforming digitally, it is very much evident that not just machines, but humans have a lot to learn to form a great equation. A good partnership between humans and machines can only be achieved if machines are made with accurate tools and technologies, and humans who can embrace diversity, nurture it across the industries and their ecosystems.

Understanding equations between humans and machines to master digital transformation

Not so long ago experts were proclaiming that the mobile is going to be the future. And, guess what? They were not wrong. Some of the extraordinarily successful applications and businesses are mobile-based. Just think of the names like Instagram, Uber. Didn’t they transform the thoughts of a human into exceptionally well-crafted businesses and apps?

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